古刀 無銘 古宇多 二尺四寸一分 打刀拵入

Hozon Token Mumei Kouda with Koshirae.
This piece is a sword that was originally a tachi made by the Ko-Uda school in the late Kamakura period and has since been shortened (suriage). The blade length is 2 shaku 4 sun 1 bu (approximately 73 cm), with a slightly extended kissaki, reflecting the style of the late Kamakura period. The sword is lightweight and well-balanced, with relatively new fittings (koshirae), making it suitable for iaido practice. Using a Kamakura-period sword for iaido allows you to feel the spirit and mindset of the samurai from that era.


【登録 Reggistration Code】
平成12年4月20日 福岡県第98140号
【種別 Category】
刀 Katana
【長さ Blade length】
【反り Curvature】
【目釘穴 a rivet of a sword hilt】
1埋め3個 Three
【銘文 Signature and Date】
無銘 Unsigned
【元幅 Width at the bottom part of blade】
【先幅 Width at the top] 
【元重 Thickness at the bottom part of blade】
【先重 Thickness at the top】
【重量 Weight】
刀身690g 抜身940g
Blade Just 690g With out saya 940g.
【時代 Period】
鎌倉時代後期 / Late of Kamakura Period.

¥450,000 (税込)


商品コード: 02-1696 カテゴリー: , ,


「刀姿 sword figure」

「彫物 carving」

「地鉄 jigane」

「刃紋 hamon」

「特徴 detailed」

The Uda school, founded by Ko Nyudo Kunimitsu in the late Kamakura period, saw notable swordsmiths such as Kunifusa, Kunimune, and Kunitomo thrive throughout the Muromachi period. This lineage continued to flourish well into the late Muromachi period. Blades made from the late Kamakura to Nanbokucho period are referred to as Ko-Uda (Old Uda), while those from the Muromachi period are called simply Uda. The Uda school originated in Uda District of Yamato Province (modern-day Nara Prefecture), and many of its works display strong Yamato characteristics. However, some swords also exhibit Soshu-den style influences, possibly inspired by smiths like Norishige and Go Yoshihiro of Etchu Province.

This particular sword, though shortened (suriage), retains a length of 2 shaku 4 sun 1 bu (approximately 73 cm) and features an extended kissaki (tip), embodying the distinctive style of the late Kamakura period. The blade is lightweight and well-balanced, with a relatively new koshirae (mountings), making it suitable for iaido practice. Practicing iaido with a Kamakura-period sword allows you to connect with the spirit and mindset of the samurai from that era.

「拵 Koshirae」
ハバキ(habaki) :銀無垢一重横鑢。
縁頭(fuchikashira) : 赤銅魚子地武具の図。
目貫(menuki) :鳳凰の図。
柄(tsuka) :鮫は親粒が付く。柄巻きは正絹黒の諸捻り巻き。
鞘(saya) :黒、呂鯉口鮫革研ぎ出し。

「刀剣の状態 condition of blade」
Flaw:The jigane (blade’s surface steel) shows a prominent grain pattern, but there are no flaws that would be considered defects. There is an oval-shaped area on the hira-ji (flat surface) of the back side that appears to resemble ume-gane (metal patch). However, since the grain pattern continues seamlessly inside and around this oval area, it is likely not a patch, but rather a part of the itame-hada (wood grain pattern) that stands out more prominently.