現代刀 特別貴重小道具認定書付
二尺五寸 打刀拵入

Modern sword, Noshu seki ju Kojima kanemichi saku / Iaido sword
He is a originator of restoration of Modern Minoden.
This sword has long blade and Light weight and good balance.
And Koshirae with Tokubetsu Kicho Kodogu(NBTHK).
That is recommended to iaido of the tall one.

商品コード: 01-2008 カテゴリー: , , ,


「体配 style」
The style is Shinogizukuri with Iorimune, and the width and thick is usually.
Also it has an Tori-sori and chu-kissaki.
Nakago is original, and design of the file is takanohane, and end of nakago is kurishiri.

<彫り物 carving>
BOHI is Kakinagashi(Scratch and Sink) to the under of Habaki.

「地鉄 jigane」
Koitame is densely, It have a lot of jinie.

「刃紋 hamon」
Choji midare, It with Ashi very well and Yo in Ha. Boshi is Midarekomi and Komaru.

「特徴 detailed」
兼道は岐阜県関市長住町の刀匠で、本名を小島時次郎と言い、明治三十五年七月に生まれる。はじめ善定兼吉門人の小島正勝に学び、のちに渡辺兼永門人となる。 初銘兼時。陸軍受命刀工。現代美濃伝を継承し門人を数多く育てた、現代美濃伝中興の祖である。先の大戦時には国の刀も鍛えており、展覧会でも高い技量を示して特選など 多数の受賞するなど関の代表的な刀匠として名工ぶりを遺憾なく発揮した。現在では孫の二代目兼道、曾孫の二代目兼時が活躍しその技を今に伝えている。

The Kanemichi lived Seki-city. His real name is Tokijiro Kojima. He was born in 1902. His first teacher is Kanenaga Watanabe, and he study from Kanenaga Watanabe after.
The first sword smith name is Kanetoki. He was Rikugun jumei tosyo when WW2. and he got special award and lot of award.
After WW2, He succeeded to Minoden, and he had many disciples, also he is a originator of restoration of Modern Minoden.
His grandson is second generation Kanemichi and great‐grandson is second generation Kanetoki. They are renowned in the sword industry in Japan now.
The blade is long but it has Light weight and good balance. That is recommended to iaido of the tall one.

<拵 koshirae> ※特別貴重小道具認定書付※
ハバキ(habaki) :銀無垢一重腰祐乗。
鍔(tsuba)    :鉄地丸形、竹雀図。
目貫(menuki)   :赤銅地桐紋三双
柄(tsuka)    :鮫は親粒が付く。柄巻きは正絹黒の諸摘み巻き。
鞘(saya)    :黒石目地塗。

<刀剣の状態 condition of blade>
研:概ね良好です。That polishing is almost good.
傷: 欠点に成るような傷は有りません。There is no crack.