現代刀 雲州住貞照作之(島根県指定無形文化財刀匠) 二尺四寸三分 拵入

Modern sword Unsyu ju Sadateru kore tsukuru
The holder of Intangible Cultural Property of Shimane Prefecture
Unsyu Sadanaga live in Yokota town of Shimane prefecture.
Yokota town has only Tatara in the world.
Then this is a most suitable sword for a Iaido.

商品コード: 01-1959 カテゴリー: , , ,


<体配 style>

The style is Shinogizukuri with Iorimune, and the width and thick is usually. Also it has an Tori-sori and Chu-kissaki.
The Nakago is original, and design of the file is kesyo-yasuri, and end of nakago is kurishiri.

<彫り物 carving>

<地鉄 jigane>

Itame hada flows and becomes Masame hada.
Then, It has a lot of Jinie.

<刃紋 hamon>

Gunome midare. It has a lot of Ashi. Hachu with kinsuji and yo. Boshi is Midarekomi and Komaru.

<特徴 detailed>

About Unsyu ju Sadateru, His real name is Hirotsugu Kobayashi. he live in Yokota-town, Shimane Prefecture. He has 2 brothers, then name of brothers is Sadanori and Sadanaga. He is the holder of Intangible Cultural Property of Shimane Prefecture. Also he got many award and special award.
This sword was made for Iaido so Weight is light and good balance.
koshirae is made using old metal fittings so there is high grade sensation in conjunction with Saya color.

<拵 koshirae>
ハバキ Habaki :銀無垢一重の腰祐乗。Pure silver and pattern is Koshiyujo.
鍔 Tsuba    :鉄地南蛮鍔。Made of iron, and design is Nanban tsuba.
縁頭 FuchiKashira :赤銅地唐人の図。Made of red copper and design is Tojin(Old Chinese).
目貫 menuki  :金地武者の図。The design is Musya.
柄 Tsuka   :鮫は親粒が付き、柄巻きは正絹黒の諸摘み巻。The shark hide is black. The Tsukamaki is black of pure silk.
鞘 Saya  :金茶色の堆朱で、鯉口の辺は鮫が巻かれ研ぎ出される。The Saya color is Tsuisyu of kintyairo and the area around Koikuchi is roll of shark skin.

<刀剣の状態 condition of blade>
研:古研ぎのため、ヒケが有ります。The polishing is old so it has hike, but it can see blade well.
傷: 欠点に成るような傷は有りません。There is no crack.