大業物 大山山麓佐川住延秀 二尺四寸五分 打刀拵入

Owazamono by Daisen sanroku Sagawa ju Nobuhide / Batto sword
This sword has long blade and wide Width, but good balance.

Then this is a most suitable sword for a Battodo.

商品コード: 01-1958 カテゴリー: , , ,



The style is Shinogizukuri (ridged style) with Iorimune (standard surface), having a Chu-kissaki.
Nakago is original, and design of the file is kesyo-yasuri, and end of nakago is kurishiri.


Itame hada flows and becomes the Masame hada.
Then, It have lot of Jinie, and Chikei appears here and there.


Gunome midare. Habuchi with aranie and sunagashi. Hchu with kinsuji and yo. Boshi is Midarekomi and Komaru.

大山山麓佐川住延秀の刀は切れ味優れることで世界に知られており、特に抜刀の世界では神がかった性能を有する名刀です。 現に真剣を使った武道でギネスの認定を受けられた抜刀道龍星剣宗家、猿田光廣先生曰く「試し斬りしてちゃんと斬れるものが名刀です」の愛刀として有名な御刀です。 猿田氏は、平成10年9月20日、名古屋東海テレビテレピアホールにて千本斬りを1時間36分36秒で見事達成。竹を1本芯にしてそこにゴザ1本分をきつく巻いたもの1000本を1人で斬りました。 途中で刀を替えることなく、1本の斬り損じもなく1人で1000本を連続して斬り納めたことがギネスに認定されました。2000年11月、正式にギネスブックに掲載されます。 またラストサムライに出演した、俳優で武道家のリ-村山先生も延秀を愛刀としており、殺陣と試斬を融合させてた素晴しい演武を国内のみならず海外でも幅広く披露しています。

The Daisen sanroku Sgawa ju Nobuhide. His real name is Hideshi Maeda. He live in Totori prefecture. His teacher was his father.
His make sword is very sharp, this is famous in the world.
Then Mitsuhiro Saruta sensei of Ryuseiken using Nobuhide. When he got certified by Guinness World Records too, he used sword is Nobuhide.
His said, A fine swords is able to cut properly when Tameshi kiri.
Also, Lee Murayama sensei of the actor who appeared in a movie of Last Samurai. He has been using Nobuhide. And then, he is doing Enbu and sword battle show in the World with Nobuhide.
This sword was made for Tameshi kiri. It has long blade and wide Width, but good balance. then, blade has 2 masaware,but no problem at Tameshikiri.
It can use at Tameshikiri(batto do) immediately!

ハバキ:素銅石目地。Made of copper, and pattern is Ishime.
鍔  :龍透かし(新品)。Made of iron, and design is dragon(it’s new).
縁頭 :鉄地肥後山道。Made of iron, design is Higo with mountain road.
目貫 :龍の図。Dragon.
柄  :鮫は親粒が付き黒染、柄巻は牛表革マロン茶の諸摘み巻き。The shark hide is black and has Oyatsubu. The Tsukamaki is marron brown of cowhide.
鞘  :黒呂鞘。Kuroro.

研ぎ:古研のため少し汚れがありますが、概ね良好です。There are some dirts. But almost good.
傷:柾割れが2か所ありますが、その他欠点に成るような傷は有りません。It has 2 masaware.