「刀姿 sword figure」
Sudo Kunitsugu was a swordsmith active in the Kokawa region of Kishu (present-day Wakayama Prefecture) during the Muromachi period. His ancestors belonged to the Tegai school of Yamato Province and relocated to Iruka-sho in the Muro district of Kishu during the Nanbokucho period. Known as the Iruka kaji, part of this group later moved to the vicinity of Kokawadera Temple of the Shingon sect, where they began forging swords. This group became known as the Kokawa swordsmiths, among whom Sudo Kunitsugu was regarded as a master craftsman.
The name Sudo originates from the distinctive signature of the first and second generations of Kunitsugu. The character “kuni” (國) in their names was inscribed with a ※-like design in the center, resembling the latticework of garden gates known as “sudo.”
This piece is attributed to the third-generation Kunitsugu, known as Tosaburo, who returned to Kokawa in Kishu from Sagami Province in 1516 (Eisho 13). His signature features unique characteristics, including the kanji for “kuni” with the left side inscribed with the character “乙” and three dots diagonally aligned beneath it, while the right side includes a crosshatched motif and a hiragana-style “u” (う).
The blade, being in an older polish, appears somewhat cloudy, but the hamon (temper line) and boshi (tip temper line) remain intact. A fresh polish would restore its full splendor.
The registration certificate was issued in Tokyo in March 1951 (Showa 26) and is commonly referred to as a “daimyo registration.” This suggests that the sword was likely owned by a high-ranking samurai or noble family.
Sudo Kunitsugu’s works are exceptionally rare, with only one or two pieces appearing on the market annually.
Do not miss the opportunity to acquire this precious wakizashi by Sudo Kunitsugu.
「拵 Koshirae」
ハバキ(habaki) :素銅地金着一重の腰祐乗。
鍔(tsuba) :鉄地柳下唐人図。
鐺(kojiri) : 四分一磨き地桜の図。
目貫(menuki) :赤銅海老の図金色絵。
柄(tsuka) :鮫は親粒が付き巻鮫、柄巻きは正絹黒糸の諸捻り巻き。
鞘(saya) :斜目一分刻みに溜塗り。
「刀剣の状態 condition of blade」