現代刀 土州住蒼龍子貞行 一尺六寸五分 白鞘入

Modern sword Dosyu ju Soryushi Sadayuki with Koshirae.
This piece is a wakizashi crafted by Sōryūshi Sadayuki, a renowned modern swordsmith from Tosa. The blade is forged with finely crafted jigane (steel surface), featuring a beautiful gunome-midare (wavy and irregular hamon). Additionally, the blade is adorned with an exquisite kurikara (a dragon entwined around a sword) carving, a signature technique of Sadayuki. This work excels in both the forging of the blade and the carving techniques, representing a perfect blend of Sadayuki’s technical skill and aesthetic sense, making it an outstanding example of his craftsmanship.


【登録 Reggistration Code】
昭和61年8月5日 高知県第29009号
【種別 Category】
脇差 Wakizashi
【長さ Blade length】
【反り Curvature】
【目釘穴 a rivet of a sword hilt】
1個 One
【銘文 Signature and Date】
【元幅 Width at the bottom part of blade】
【先幅 Width at the top] 
【元重 Thickness at the bottom part of blade】
【先重 Thickness at the top】
【重量 Weight】
刀身562g / Blade Just 562g.
【時代 Period】
昭和後期 / Late of Showa period.

商品コード: 03-1256 カテゴリー:


「刀姿 sword figure」

「彫り物 carving」

「地鉄 jigane」

「刃紋 hamon」

「特徴 detailed」
土州住蒼龍子貞行(どしゅうじゅうそうりゅうしさだゆき)、本名は山村融(やまむら とおる)は、明治42年(1909年)に高知県南国市で生まれた現代刀工です。彼は、名工川島忠善の門人であった山村善貞に師事し、刀鍛冶としての技術を磨きました。


Doshū-jū Sōryūshi Sadayuki (土州住蒼龍子貞行), born Yamamura Tōru (山村融) in 1909 (Meiji 42) in Nangoku City, Kōchi Prefecture, was a modern swordsmith. He studied under Yamamura Yoshisada, a student of the renowned craftsman Kawashima Chūzen, honing his skills as a swordsmith.

Sadayuki’s style was heavily influenced by the techniques of the Tosa region’s master craftsman, Sakyōshu. His works are particularly known for their finely forged jigane (地鉄)—the extremely dense and delicate steel surface of the blade—and for his distinctive nioiguchi (匂口), the boundary line between the blade’s pattern and the steel, which is deeply engraved and features nie (沸), sparkling steel crystals within the hamon (刃文, blade pattern). This unique combination of techniques allowed him to create swords that exemplify both beauty and practicality. His work was highly regarded, and he won numerous awards at new sword exhibitions.

In addition to his expertise as a swordsmith, Sadayuki also excelled as a kinkōshi (金工師, metal craftsman). He not only created engravings on sword blades but also produced various sword fittings such as fuchigashira (縁頭, pommel and collar), tsuba (鍔, handguard), and menuki (目貫, handle ornaments). By doing so, he sought to enhance not just the sword itself but also the aesthetic appeal of the sword’s overall appearance, including its fittings. His mastery in both sword forging and metalworking earned him widespread recognition, with his works representing a perfect balance of beauty and functionality.

This piece is characterized by its majestic appearance and a blade featuring a beautifully executed gunome-midare (wavy and irregular hamon) on a finely forged jigane (steel surface). Additionally, it is adorned with intricate carvings, a specialty of master swordsmith Sadayuki, further enhancing the blade’s aesthetic appeal. The kurikara (a carving of a dragon entwined around a sword) is particularly impressive, showcasing Sadayuki’s exceptional skill and meticulous attention to detail. The harmonious combination of the finely forged blade and delicate carvings exemplifies the swordsmith’s technical prowess and artistic expression, making this an outstanding work.

「拵 Koshirae」
ハバキ(habaki) :銀地金鍍金の二重。

「刀剣の状態 condition of blade」