特別保存刀剣 近江守助直 一尺九寸 白鞘入

NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Token / Ohminokami Sukenao.
Shinto jojosaku and this sword is Wazamono.
This Wakizashi is a masterpiece of expert Sukenao of Toranba.
Vit is an approaching work to Sukehiro of teacher.

商品コード: 03-1138 カテゴリー: , ,


「体配 style」
The style is Shinogizukuri with Iorimune, and the width and thick is usually.
Also sori is shallow and chu-kissaki.
Nakago is original, and design of the file is Kesyoyasuri, and end of nakago is kurishiri of haagari.

「彫り物 carving」
BOHI is Marudome.

「地鉄 jigane」
Itame hada with Mokume hada is is densely and it has a lot of jinie.

「刃紋 hamon」
Toran Gunome Midare. Nioi is dark and Hacyu is bright. also it has Ashi, kinsuji , Yubashiri and Sunagashi. Boshi is sugu and komaru.

「特徴 detailed」
大坂新刀を代表する近江守助直は、寛永十六年に江州野州郡高木村に生まれ、名は孫太郎と云います。大阪に出て二代助廣に入門。後にその助廣に妹婿となり、延宝三年より津田性冠し、同名を切り添えるようになります。銘は、近江国助直、近江守助直、近江守高木住助直、津田近江守助直、津田近江守助直 江州高木などと切ります。作風は師、助廣の創始した濤乱刃を得意とします。他に互の目乱れや湾れや、直刃も焼きますが、そのいずれもが上手で一般的に匂が深く小沸がよくつき、匂口が明るく冴えるもので、中には師の助廣に迫る作もあります。作刀にみる年紀は、寛文八年が最も古く、元禄六年、五十五歳時の作が最終となります。

Ohminokami Sukenao was born in a Gosyu Takagi village in 1639. His real first name is Magotaro. He came to Osaka and He became a disciples of second generations Sukehiro. After, he married with Sukehiro’s daughter, and he changed the second name to Tsuda so his sword name has Tsuda.
This wakizashi was made in around 1662. Then the blade has Toranba and Tamayaki so it is an approaching work to Sukehiro of teacher.

「拵 koshirae」
ハバキ(habaki):素銅地金着一重の庄内。Made of copper with cover of gold. and design is Syonai.

「刀身の状態 condition of blade」
研:良好です。Polishing is good condition.
傷: 欠点に成るような傷は有りません。There is no crack.