無銘(伝肥後同田貫) 二尺三寸九分半 拵入

98式軍刀拵は金具類のシリアルが「一 七」、鞘はアルミ製の高級品です。
This sword is an authentic battlefield weapon—a Higo Dotanuki combat blade from the Sengoku period, mounted in a Type 98 military sword koshirae and carried into battle during World War II.
The Type 98 military koshirae features fittings with the serial number “17,” and the scabbard is a high-grade aluminum model.
A true combat sword in every sense, this blade was repurposed from a Sengoku-era battlefield weapon and taken to war in the Showa era.




【登録 Reggistration Code】
昭和37年7月2日 東京都第36434号
【種別 Category】
刀 Katana
【長さ Blade length】
【反り Curvature】
【目釘穴 a rivet of a sword hilt】
2個 Two
【銘文 Signature and Date】
無銘 Unsigned
【元幅 Width at the bottom part of blade】
【先幅 Width at the top] 
【元重 Thickness at the bottom part of blade】
【先重 Thickness at the top】
【重量 Weight】
刀身703g 抜身1062g/ Blade just 703g With out saya 1062g.
【時代 Period】
室町時代後期 / Late of Muromachi period

¥360,000 (税込)


商品コード: 02-1751 カテゴリー: , ,


「刀姿 sword figure」

「地鉄 jigane」

「刃紋 hamon」

「特徴 detailed」
The Dotanuki school was a group of swordsmiths based in Dotanuki, Kikuchi, Higo Province (present-day Kumamoto Prefecture), who were active from the Eiroku era (1558–1570) onward. They are considered successors of the Enju school.
Among them, Masakuni, Kiyokuni, Hyobu, and Matahachi from the Eiroku to Tensho periods (1558–1592) were particularly renowned. In particular, the brothers Masakuni and Kiyokuni were retained by Katō Kiyomasa and even granted part of his name, a testament to their exceptional craftsmanship. Their outstanding works have been passed down to the present day.
The Dotanuki style became famous for its robust, highly practical swords, which were favored by samurai for combat. Due to their superior sharpness and durability, they were adopted as standard armaments in Kumamoto Castle, marking the peak of the Dotanuki school’s prominence. However, after the fall of the Katō family, the school declined, and its sword-forging techniques were temporarily lost.
Later, in the late Edo period, the ninth-generation Masakatsu learned swordsmithing techniques from Satsushu Masayuki, leading to the revival of the school as “Shinshinto Dotanuki.” Under the tenth-generation Munehiro and the eleventh-generation Munenobu, the Dotanuki name regained recognition and prosperity.
Munehiro, whose common names were Jutarō and Enju Tarō, became one of the most prominent swordsmiths of the Shinshinto period in Higo (after 1772), further solidifying the legacy of the Dotanuki school.
Also, this sword was forged during the Tenshō era, a time when Toyotomi Hideyoshi was fighting to unify Japan.
Dotanuki swords from this period are characterized by their heavy construction and ample niku (blade thickness), designed to cut through armor. However, they often exhibit numerous forging flaws, and their hamon is typically simple, prioritizing practicality over aesthetics.
This sword was likely a Dotanuki blade passed down through generations and mounted as a military sword when the owner was deployed to the battlefield.
This sword was likely a Dotanuki blade passed down through generations and mounted as a military sword when the owner was deployed to the battlefield.
The blade has an older polish, resulting in some light surface rust and a cloudy appearance. However, for a Dotanuki sword, it has no significant flaws and is well-crafted. With a proper polish, it will be beautifully restored.

「拵 Koshirae」
98式軍刀拵、鞘はアルミ鞘で金具類のシリアル番号は「一 七」。
ハバキ(habaki) :素銅地二重の金鍍金。

「刀剣の状態 condition of blade」