濃州関住藤原兼房作 二尺五寸六分 打刀拵入 白鞘付
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Modern sword Nosyu Seki ju Fujiwara Kanefusa saku with Shirosaya.
This piece is a sword by the 23rd generation Fujiwara Kanefusa, who served as an appointed swordsmith for the Imperial Japanese Army and, after the war, dedicated himself to the revival of Japanese sword culture in Seki. The blade is long, measuring 77.5 cm, but it is lightweight and well-balanced. Also, the koshirae are brand new.


【登録 Reggistration Code】
昭和55年3月14日 岐阜県第56643号
【種別 Category】
刀 Katana
【長さ Blade length】
【反り Curvature】
【目釘穴 a rivet of a sword hilt】
1個 One
【銘文 Signature and Date】
【元幅 Width at the bottom part of blade】
【先幅 Width at the top] 
【元重 Thickness at the bottom part of blade】
【先重 Thickness at the top】
【重量 Weight】
刀身791g 抜身1103g
Blade Just 791g With out saya 1103g.
【時代 Period】
昭和後期 / Late of Showa Period.

商品コード: 02-1695 カテゴリー: ,


「刀姿 sword figure」
Shinogi-zukuri with an iorimune (rounded back ridge), the blade has standard thickness and width. It features a moderate curve (sori), with an extended chu-kissaki (medium tip). The tang (nakago) is ubu (unaltered), with diagonal file marks (kaichigai), and the tang end is in the kuri-jiri (chestnut) style.

「彫物 carving」
A single groove (katatiri-hi) with one edge is carved, extending down to the area just below the habaki.

「地鉄 jigane」
The jigane (steel grain) is a well-forged ko-itame (fine wood grain), tightly packed, with thick ji-nie (martensite crystals) attached.

「刃紋 hamon」
The hamon (temper line) features a midare (irregular) pattern of gunome, with thick nioi and nie (martensite crystals) attached. Sunagashi (streaks of nie) appear in the blade, and kinsuji (bright, lightning-like lines) run through the hamon. The boshi (tip temper line) shows a midarekomi (irregular return) pattern, curving back in a small round shape.

「特徴 detailed」

Fujiwara Kanefusa XXIII, born Katō Kōichi on February 8, 1900 (Meiji 33), was a commissioned swordsmith for the Imperial Japanese Army and the 23rd generation of the Kanefusa line, which has continued since the Muromachi period. Before World War II, he was a prizewinner at the Imperial Art Exhibition (Teiten), and after the war, he received Special Selections and Excellence Awards at sword-making exhibitions. He had the honor of demonstrating his forging skills before Emperor Shōwa and the Empress, and presented swords to Crown Prince Akihito (now Emperor Emeritus), the President of Brazil, and Helen Keller, among others. He also crafted the victory sword for the winners of the Nagoya Basho (Summer Sumo Tournament).
This particular sword, made by Kanefusa at the age of 75, shows no signs of decline in his skill but rather displays even greater mastery and maturity, making it an extraordinary work.
This particular sword, created when Kanefusa was 75 years old, shows no signs of decline in his craftsmanship; rather, it demonstrates a deepened maturity, making it an extraordinary work.

「拵 Koshirae」
The koshirae were just newly made. A shirasaya is also included (without a tsunagi).
ハバキ(habaki) :銀地金着二重
鍔(Tsuba)    :鉄地獅子に牡丹の図。
縁頭(FuchiKashira) :銀地獅子の図。
目貫(menuki)  :獅子の図。
柄(Tsuka)   :鮫は親粒が付き巻鮫、柄巻きは牛表革の諸捻り巻き。
鞘(Saya)  :黒石目。

「刀剣の状態 condition of blade」