特別保存刀剣 秦龍斎宗寛造之 二尺三寸 白鞘、打刀拵付

NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon Token / Tairyusai Munehiro kore tsukuru.
Munehiro is Shinsinto Josaku.
He was the most superior in pupils of Koyama Munetsugu.

¥0 (税込)


商品コード: 02-1369 カテゴリー: , ,


「体配 style」
The style is Shinogizukuri with Iorimune. The width and thick is usually.
Also it has an Tori-sori and chu-kissaki.
Nakago is original, and design of the file is takanohane, and end of nakago is kurishiri. 

「地鉄 jigane」
Koitame is densely, It have a lot of jinie.

「刃紋 hamon」
Sakachoji of nioideki with Sakaashi very well. Boshi is Midarekomi and Komaru.

「特徴 detailed」
Tairyusai Munehiro is student of Koyama Munetsugu. He was born in Ousyu Shirakawa in around 1819. He begin the make of the sword in around 1843.
His first name is Abukumakawa Munehiro. Abukumakawa(Abukuma rver) is the river of his hometown. Also he change the name to Tairyusai from around 1854.
He was the most superior in pupils of Koyama Munetsugu.

「拵 koshirae」
ハバキ(habaki) :銀無垢磨き地。pure silver.
鍔(tsuba)   :鉄地唐人遊興図。Made of iron, and design is Chinese pleasure.
縁頭(fhchikashira):赤銅魚子地武者の図。Made of red copper and design is Samurai.
目貫(menuki)  :赤銅地虎図。Made of red copper and design is Tiger.
柄(tsuka)   :鮫革は親粒が付き巻鮫、柄糸は正絹紺色の諸捻り巻。The sharkskin with big grain and Sharkskin rolled. The Tsukamaki is navy blue of pure silk, and hineri.
鞘(saya)   :黒呂。Kuroro.

「刀身の状態 condition of blade」
研:良好です。Polishing is good condition.
傷: 欠点に成るような傷は有りません。There is no crack.