新刀上々作 特別保存刀剣 出羽大掾藤原國路 二尺一寸四分

Hozontoken by NBTHK / Dewa daijo Fujiwara no Kunimichi.
Kunimich is a more high-grade ranking in the Shinto.
He is student of Horikawa Kunihiro school.

商品コード: 02-1351 カテゴリー: , , ,


「体配 style」
The style is Shinogizukuri (ridged style) with Iorimune (standard surface), having a Chu-kissaki.
Nakago is original, and design of the file is kaichigai, and end of nakago is kurishiri.

「地鉄 jigane」
Mokume is mixed in Koitame, It have lot of jinie and chikei. it flow in Masame.

「刃紋 hamon」
Guonme and notare. It have tobiyaki and kinsuji and sunagashi. Then Boshi is Midarekomi and komaru.

「特徴 detailed」
当初國道と称し後に慶長十九年から二十年(1614 から1615)にかけての間に出羽大掾を受領したと思われる。
The Dewa Daijo Kunimichi is student of Horikawa Kunihiro school.
His life is from 1576 to around 1657.
I think that this sword was made in Kanei(1624 to 1654).

「拵 koshirae」
ハバキ:素銅地金着一重の岩石鎺。Made of copper with cover of gold. And pattern is rock.
鍔  :鉄地金象嵌龍の図。銘は若芝。Made of iron and design of the dragon of gold inlay.It has a signature of Jakushi
縁頭 :赤銅魚子地龍の図。Made of alloy of copper and gold and design of the dragon.
目貫 :赤銅地武具の図。Made of alloy of copper and gold and design of the weapon of samurai.
柄  :鮫は親粒が付き巻き鮫、柄巻は正絹納戸色の諸摘み巻き。
小柄 :赤銅魚子地雲龍の図。Made of alloy of copper and gold and design of the cloud dragon.
鞘  :黒呂鞘。Black(Kuroro) With Shirosaya.

「刀身の状態 condition of blade」
研:研ぎ上がったばかりです。Blade have just finished polishing.
傷:傷は無いです。There is no crack.