「体配 style」
The style is Shinogizukuri (ridged style) with Iorimune (standard surface), having a Chu-kissaki.
Nakago is original, and design of the file is kaichigai, and end of nakago is kurishiri.
「彫物 carving」
「地鉄 jigane」
Ko-itame hada is mixed in Itame hada. It has lot of jinie.
「刃紋 hamon」
Choji ha, It with Ashi very well and there is Kinsuji in Hachu. Boshi is Midarekomi with Komaru.
<特徴 detailed>
The Kaneteru lived Yatsushiro-city. His real name is Kaoru Kimura. He was born in 1961. His teacher is Kaneshige of his father.
Akamatsu Taros family has 5 sword smith. The name is netsugu,Kaneteru,Kanehiro,Kanemitsu,Kaneyuki.
They make Tamahagane at their self so they don’t use Tamahagane of NBTHK. Then that is elegance jigane.
This sword is new. Because some swords dealer had it in stock for a long time.
Also, this sword was made for iaido. The blade is long, but it’s light weight and good balance.
After purchase you can use It immediately at Iai-do!
<拵 koshirae>
The koshirae is a Higokoshirae. The fittings to use are all same pattern.
ハバキ(habaki) :銀無垢一重の庄内。Made of silver, and pattern is Syonai.
鍔(tsuba) :鉄地肥後金銀布目象嵌桜唐草。Made of iron. And gold and silver inlay, pattern is Cherry blossom and arabesque.
縁頭(fhchikashira):鉄地肥後金銀布目象嵌桜唐草。Made of iron. And gold and silver inlay, pattern is Cherry blossom and arabesque..
目貫(menuki) :菊の図。Pattern is chrysanthemum.
コジリ(kojiri) :鉄地肥後金銀布目象嵌桜唐草。Made of iron. And gold and silver inlay, pattern is Cherry blossom and arabesque..
柄(tsuka) :鮫は親粒が付き巻鮫。柄巻きはスエード黒の諸捻り巻き。The shark skin with big grain and roll of shark skin. Tsukaito is black of Suede.
鞘(saya) :黒笛巻き。Black Fuemaki.
<刀剣の状態 condition of blade>
研:良好です。The polishing is good.
傷: 欠点に成るような傷は有りません。There is no crack.